374: How LinkedIn is More Than Just For Job Seekers – with Clarene Mitchell

Meet Clarene Mitchell

She is the founder and CEO of TCM Communications, a social media branding firm based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. TCM focuses on empowering success-driven entrepreneurs and corporate leaders to effectively leverage LinkedIn to generate organic results. She holds a BA in interpersonal communications from Cardinal Stritch University.

How is LinkedIn different from other social media platforms?

Totally different. I couldn’t we could just talk about that question in itself and go on and on, for one LinkedIn was created for the members to generate results, as opposed to other platforms where they’re really social entertainment. That was really that’s the core foundation, the foundation of LinkedIn is all about members generating results. When you look at the mission of the platform, it says that explicitly, it’s about the economic advancement of all the members. So that’s number one. The other part of LinkedIn is different than other platforms, I say, is a more comprehensive platform. From my perspective, why do you have to go anywhere else you’re using any other platform, when there’s so much that LinkedIn offers, whether it’s being able to create newsletters or write our articles, or go live in video form or audio form? And just the different features that it has, make it a more comprehensive platform versus I say some other platforms are more limited than with what you can do on them

If you could go back to your 20-year-old self, what would you tell yourself to do more or less of or differently with regard to your professional career?

You know, I had to go way back, because you know, my age, I think that mentally to go back to my 20-year-old, so I guess the biggest thing I would tell my 20-year-old self is, dreams don’t have to die, they can be deferred, meaning so 20-year-old Claire rain wanted to be a broadcast journalist. But my life circumstances didn’t allow for the freedom of that. But or the flexibility I needed to go with being in the broadcast journalism sector of communications. It’s ironic now, though, where you know, with what I do in my business, and again, going back to the LinkedIn features, the LinkedIn feature, linked in live feature, for me is much of our dream, where, you know, life circumstance happened couldn’t be a broadcast journalist right out of college, like I want it to become. But really, I’m fulfilling that dream now as a LinkedIn, live creator and host and all of that. It’s like, okay, it could, that dream didn’t have to die, I still held it dear in my heart, you know. And I, it became a reality when it needed to become or was able to become a reality. So not give up on my dreams, keep them fresh in my heart and continue to nurture them so that I could seize opportunities when they came up.

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Lori Highby:

Hey everybody, Lori Highby here. Welcome to the social capital podcast. Our show notes are found at social capital podcast.com. So you the

Lori Highby:

any upcoming events we might run into each other. If you'd like to connect, make sure to send a note with your connection requests that references

Lori Highby:

bringing on marketing experts with a variety of backgrounds for you to learn and grow from. Today's guest is Clarene Mitchell. She is the founder

Lori Highby:

conference talking about LinkedIn, she has fantastic insights to share, and I can't wait for you to hear her story. Chlorine, welcome to the show.


Thanks, Lori. I appreciate the invitation. Looking forward to our conversation.

Lori Highby:

Me too. Do you want to share a little bit about your background with our listeners?


I'm sure really Communications has been my professional life 30 plus years. So what I do now really is just that evolution of what I've

Lori Highby:

Yeah. Which is LinkedIn. Oh, talking about it.


Talking about LinkedIn,

Lori Highby:

LinkedIn, okay, Korean is LinkedIn just for job seekers?


So no, no, no, no, no. It and many people have that mindset of evangelist for job seekers, because really, that's how we were most people


it. But no, no, no, even when it comes to job seekers, if they're approaching the platform from when they just from the perspective of just

Lori Highby:

Yeah. And and the relationship perspective, which you talk about for sure, too. It's most definitely. And I mean, no different than I

Lori Highby:

way to look at it.


Exactly. They're not going to reap the most benefits if they do the in and out, right. They're parachuting in and out onto the platform and


consistently before then. So people were like, Okay, who are you? Why do we care? You haven't been on you know, I had to spend time to build up my

Lori Highby:

So let's talk about LinkedIn compared to other social media platforms, How's it different,


totally different. I couldn't we could just talk about that question in itself and go on and on, for one linked in was created for the


The other part of LinkedIn being different than other platforms, I say, is a more comprehensive platform. From my perspective, why do you have to go


them? Yeah,

Lori Highby:

yeah, I there's, there's definitely and they keep adding new features, too, which is fun


is they've been on I say, steroids lately with adding features. Like, I'm like, trying to keep up. I just noticed something else this

Lori Highby:

I just read they're taking the video profile away. Is that correct?


Oh, let's not talk about that. Yeah. That was such a phenomenon I know you

Lori Highby:

have yet. I know. I just did it. Like two months ago,


you got it for you. But yeah, that video option. And for those who are not aware, under your profile photo, they used to have an option where


the carousels feature. They got rid of that. So yeah. I like the carousels. We'll see they're taking away some good ones. I'm not sure what the

Lori Highby:

Okay, good. So what's going on with their algorithm seems to get like the highs and lows of hey, I just had a lot of activity. And now


Oh, yeah. So they made a major, major change, you know, like, all social media platforms are always tweaking the algorithm, right. And not


focus more on value orientated content, that's knowledge driven. So and I'm a fan of this, I'm loving it and actually post published an article about


value, providing insights, even not just even with the content, but with the comments in the content. So no more of the days it shouldn't be where,

Lori Highby:

Yeah, well, is there any data on like, character count? Or how are they validating the quality content? So,


knowing exactly, because there's always like this deep coat, you know, the dark curtain, like the Wizard of Oz, like behind the curtain,


although algorithm identifies that I'm not sure. But the impressions have dramatically decreased. You know, what may have used to may have worked


it doesn't mean it has a lot of impressions, right? Because you may be having those reactions that are like empty, when it comes to or lower

Lori Highby:

Yeah. Wow. I like that. I agree with you. I like that approach. I saw some folks like, trying to turn it into other more like,


the LinkedIn pleasers? Yeah.

Lori Highby:

Well, I mean, is that is that part of the reason they've done this is to try to avoid kind of the this is the food I'm eating for lunch


Well, I mean, to a certain extent, and so I've always believed in practice, through my business, and even LinkedIn has made it public that


what event I went to, but what's the value from that? What did I learn what was my key takeaways from that event? So again, it's more about not what we


and bring, you know, our true selves on those posts, those still resonate, but there has to be a methodology behind that there has to be a reasoning

Lori Highby:

And that makes total total sense. Now, actually, big picture wise, and I agree with you on the direction that they're moving with that.


feature quite some time ago, they took away I don't know how much you know, you used it or your extension meant about it, the pin comments

Lori Highby:

Yeah. Well, it seems like every social media channels trying to lean off of each other a little bit in some way or another but yeah,


You know, I had to go way back, because you know, my age, I think that mentally to go back to my 20 year old, so I guess the biggest thing I


know, with what I do in my business, and again, going back to the LinkedIn features, the LinkedIn feature, linked in live feature, for me is much of


it needed to become or was able to become and a reality. So not giving up on my dreams, keeping them fresh in my heart and continuing to nurture them

Lori Highby:

Love that, that sound advice? For sure. I'm gonna give you the opportunity to interview me, what's something you'd like to ask me? Oh,


whoa. All right, what? Where can I start on my list of questions for Laurie? Because so my biggest one, and let me just before I even ask


anniversary as a business owner?

Lori Highby:

Yeah, wow, that's a big, big question. You know, it's that statement, this that I hear often times, and you don't know it until you're

Lori Highby:

I've been with this, that, that have that community to just keep cheerleading, keep advocating, and, and, you know, leaning in on when, when

Lori Highby:

quick, hard decisions. Like you mentioned, the pandemic, which we all experienced that and had to kind of rewrite the business strategy and the

Lori Highby:

pick a path and start moving forward, because progress is gonna be better than just sitting there and not making decision but even if you pick the


So nothing into the world is

Lori Highby:

exactly so, you know, I continue to learn new things every single day. And I think that's another part of being an entrepreneurs


Right. Good. And I took a lot of notes from that. What marketing predictions Do you have were wow, like as the OH MY was the like, midpoint

Lori Highby:

Oh, I know. I know. I know. So, I mean, obviously AI, that's been that's been one, it's kind of been in the pipeline. And it's

Lori Highby:

you can and can't do and how you can use it. What you all right, you don't own, you know, there's going to be a lot of a lot more stuff coming down


Oh, most definitely. That's good. I like that prediction. There's enough, there's enough pie for all of us. Right? It should be a seat at the

Lori Highby:

Yeah. Oh, that's fun. Good questions. Thank you so much. So I know you've you share that you have an offer or free a complimentary? like


Oh, sure. Thanks. Thank you. It's my gift to the community on an ongoing basis. So anytime, well, not anytime, because it's only a one time

Lori Highby:

Well, great. And we'll include that information in our show notes. I mean, obviously, LinkedIn is probably the best way to get in


LinkedIn, it is a streamline kind of process. So people are going all over the place. I know where they're coming from. So it's LinkedIn.

Lori Highby:

Love it. Okay. All right, any final words you want to share with our listeners about LinkedIn? Oh, wow,


we're done already. That time went really quick

Lori Highby:

and always does.


Well, I guess my final piece of just Insights is when it comes to LinkedIn is the professional business, social media platform. It's all


process. So lesson one that deals with the sales pitch, you know, call calling in the DMS lesson that really get rid of that as a focus, build the

Lori Highby:

love that. Oh, that's great. Thank you, Clarion so much for being on the show. This is great to have a new great conversation.


Thank you so much, Lori, appreciate it. Continued success to you and your business.

Lori Highby:

Oh, thank you, you as well. All right, this wraps up our episode of social capital. A huge thank you to Kareem, for taking the time

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