Meet Chris Daigle
Chris Daigle is the CEO and Co-Founder of In these dynamic times of AI enablement or extinction, Chris’s purpose is to ensure businesses thrive through AI strategy crafted by certified Chief AI Officers (CAIOs) or the use of their education and certification program on how to use AI in your business or your role.
An early pioneer in SaaS, he launched my first software company in 2002 and since then has gone on to found several successful businesses where he was able to develop the entrepreneurial and leadership skills that have led his company to where they are now, the cutting-edge of AI empowerment for Small to Medium sized businesses.
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:01 Guest Introduction: Chris Daigle
02:25 The Importance of AI in Business
09:41 Getting Started with AI
17:57 Fun Questions and Career Advice
20:12 Final Thoughts and Closing
Connect with Chris
LinkedIn is the channel that you'll find me on. Just search for Lori Highby. You can simply click the follow button as I post daily information about marketing strategy tips, all podcast episodes, and any upcoming events you might find me at. If you'd like to connect, just send a little note that says you're referencing Social Capital. I can't wait to hear from you.
This podcast is sponsored by Keystone Click, a strategic digital marketing agency that believes in order to successfully market to your ideal customer, you have to first understand your customer. Learn more at KeystoneClick. com.
The topic of relationships ties very closely with marketing. That's why I bring on marketing experts with a variety of backgrounds for you to learn and grow from. Today's guest is Chris Daigle. He's the CEO and co founder of chiefaiofficer. com. In these dynamic times of AI enablement or extinction, his purpose is to ensure businesses thrive through AI strategy, crafted by certified chief AI officers, CAIOs, or the use of their education and certification program on how to use AI in their business or their role.
his first software company in:Chris, welcome to the show.
[:[:[:[:[:However, I can confidently say that you're not late, you're early. If you're on this podcast listening to this topic, that's the first step. If you're somebody who already recognizes that generative AI gives an advantage in business, over those who aren't using it, then that awareness puts you even closer to the head of the pack.
But if you're not actively upskilling or engaging with people to bring into your business who are upskilled and can introduce this stuff, I don't know that I'll be able to say that you're early for much longer.
[:[:When I saw that we could, and that process has been proven. There's many models out there, EOS scaling up the stuff that we do. It's a proven structure to get a result in business. When I saw what generative AI was able to do to compress that result cycle, I immediately recognized that this was not to be hyperbolic, but this truly was a game changer for those who got involved early on because the learning curve is not big.
Whatever's got you sitting on the fence right now. If you don't think it's important, please go spend 10 minutes on YouTube and Google, whatever your industry is and type in, you know, marketing use cases for AI and just watch any video. And I think that you'll have that moment where you go, Oh, Oh, okay. Like I need to be like, that was easy. And that just saved me two hours, five hours, a hundred dollars.
You know, what, whatever it is, it's not that, that this stuff is going to come in and you know, you've got robots serving you, giving you your slippers and tea in the morning. It's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about coming in and identifying all these use cases where one little tool or one 15 minute effort or one prompt or one conversation with, you know, somebody that knows a thing or two about AI can result in that part of your business, never having to be touched by a human again, or the involvement of that human in that process reduced 20%, 50%, 80%, whatever it is. But that over and over in your business, again, not complicated.
You don't have to be techie, but the compounding effect of all of these little improvements to process designed around that bigger strategy that I stressed earlier. You if you're if you're the marketing client who's still sitting on the fence, you will not be able to catch up in six months with the person who's doing exactly what I'm talking about here. And I'm not again I'm not like some AI, you know, nerd or anything like that. I'm an intelligent businessman who recognizes the leverage that comes from Investing a little time and learning how to use some basic tool.
Don't go and be a pro. You don't have to go and be on the lecture circuit about AI. Figure out how to do a couple of things with it, and then your brain will start to make the shift where you're like, Oh, you know what, I could probably use GPT for that. Oh, you know what, let me Google and see if there's an AI tool that builds a slide deck that automatically builds a customer service bot, all of these little things.
And you start today. You see immediate, the first time you try it, you're like, Oh, benefit. Do that, teach your team to do it, whatever has to happen. But these little moves, and again, do it in a structured way. Don't just go Wild West in there. You turn around a month, three months, certainly six months down the road, and you realize that anybody who is doing business the old way, dinosaur. It's just, it's sad. Like the future's not, and I'm, I'm not trying to be a fear monger. It's just. You know, why would you try to do business without having using the internet? Yeah, right. Yeah. I'm sorry We only do direct mail. We only do newspaper advertising and billboard. Great, however, there's a better way, right? And that's what this is.
[:And this is one of those things that it's worth taking the time to invest in now. Yeah. you know, it's interesting. I think I shared with you a little bit again, before we hit the record button that I have been speaking a little bit on this topic, and I was brought into a fairly large organization to speak to their leadership. And they came to me with the really wanting to talk about AI as like a, do not use this mentality. And I got them on board to say, proceed with caution to their team, which I think is a good way to approach that because they have a lot of confidential proprietary type information, but I, I, you know, they were thinking like the message to share with everyone in their organization was don't even consider, which is not the right approach. And because of what you're saying, you know, you're going to be a dinosaur if you don't start to evolve right now.
[:[:[:You know, where I would get started, I wouldn't look at it like Google. I wouldn't go there and type in the same type of input that you would in a search bar. I have people that tell me, oh, I tried it. And what would you do? And they, you know, they essentially said they went there and did what would be a google search, and that's not where the models shine. Google's fantastic company when it comes to indexing the internet. Perplexity is better in my opinion, so go there with a question that maybe you would want to ask your boss or whatever the last, it doesn't even have to be a business thing, but whatever last business book that you read. Bring your problem or your, Hey, I'm a small business. I have a bakery. I have a delivery service. I drive Uber. I have, you know, 500 employees at my manufacturing facility, whatever that answer is, give it some context and ask it some questions about my industry. What are some challenges I should be thinking about?
There's two sides of it. You can look at it like a, like an assistant that needs very clear instructions in order to get you the output you're looking for, but you can also, I can act as Warren Buffett and give me some advice on, you know, here's what my IRA is. Here's what my investments are. What would you do?
And so you don't even have to like do anything terribly clever with it. You just need to start playing with it. And I can tell you that it's kind of a little joke, but the role of chief AI officer, which is the role that we certify people in, it's abbreviated C A I O. And I want you to picture this. I want you to picture yourself sitting in front of the computer, beating away at the keys with frustration. Somebody walks over, they lean over, they type a few things on the keyboard, and then they say, see AI, Oh. It, you need to have that, Oh, moment, right?
Because it is, it is as simple as see AI, like it, it's not anything to be intimidated by. So if you have that, Oh, moment. Something changes and you never, you never not consider how can I use AI for this? How can I, could AI help? Right? It just becomes this thing to where you're not going to go knock on your neighbor's door and ask them what time the movies are, right? You're going to go to the internet. You're going to use that tool. It becomes that default behavior.
I mean, certainly you can do stuff at lifestyle, like, Hey, here's my weight goals. Here's the equipment I have at my house. I'd like to lose this much weight over the next 15 weeks, come up with a, you know an exercise plan. I don't like walking. I do like swimming. And you know, I have a busy lifestyle and GPT can give you all of that stuff, but you have to think about that way.
I do a podcast too. It's called Using AI at Work. And guess what we talk about? Talk about case studies where individuals are sharing, oh, here's how we use it. Oh, here's how my HR team uses it. Here's how my marketing, right? And it's just, it's, it's an opportunity for people to hear these use cases, these, Oh, I didn't, I didn't know that, right? And I know this stuff, Lori, like I use it like crazy and have for a year, thousands of hours on this. And every time when I do this podcast, somebody says something and it's not, it's not like rocket science. I'm just like, Oh yeah, you could do that. It's just, it's, it's fascinating. But the sooner that you, I call it sooner that you start thinking in AI, the sooner the fear goes away, the intimidation goes away, the comfort level that you have in introducing it into the business and saying, Hey guys, no, let me show you. So this is something you do every week, Jane, let me show you. Right? Cause once people have that, Oh, moment, the fear goes away. Now there are issues with concerns about companies uploading financial information to the models and it being used to train, and those are all valid. So, I would again, encourage companies and look, if you're at a company and the bosses aren't doing it, go up to them and suggest, Hey, I heard about this thing called a generative AI use policy. I Googled it and here's a template, we should probably think about doing this.
You don't have to be the boss to introduce, good behavior into the business and what that will do is that will open it up because where the big wins are, it's not like, oh my gosh, I discovered the eternal question of the universe. It's, oh, I figured out how to do, to not have to do this thing that I didn't like doing.
I do it in five minutes instead of five hours now. And that, like, just for your own enjoyment of what you do on a day to day basis, you should be using these tools. Sorry for the ramble, but I'm a big evangelist.
[:[:So I would encourage preparation by. Watching some demos and there's plenty of free content on LinkedIn. It's on Twitter, it's on YouTube, so you don't have to spend a lot of money to get some familiarity with it. Once you do, you'll pick up, oh, this is how you, it's called prompting, but this is the best way to put My question in so that I get the, the closest answer to what I'm looking for without having to go back and forth.
Like you learn those basics and I mean, it's not like you, you get the keys to the car, like there's been some driving, driving lessons in the parking lot or whatever before you take off. So that consider it, consider that the same thing you're going to see how other people are using it. Maybe you'll have that, Oh, moment and you'll go, Oh, like I get it. Right?
I think that starting with a search specific to your role or your industry will give it more context and will open the door for you to watch a five minute video and go, you know what, I'm going to do that tomorrow morning. Cause it's important to have, when you're getting started, some education on how to get the most out of the tool or else you're going to go, you're going to treat it like Google and you know, you're going to see somebody and they go, Oh, you tried AI. Yeah, I tried it. It's no good. You did it wrong. If it's no good, right? Do that so that you don't have that disappointment. Cause it's a, it's a thin veil between AI illiterate and AI literate.
[:So we're going to switch to some fun questions here. Chris, if you could go back to your 20 year old self, what would you tell yourself to do more of less of or differently with regards to your professional career?
[:[:[:[:[:I'm no broadcasting pro is just something that I felt would be good for my business. So I would like to ask a question specific to the craft of podcasting. This is something that you've been doing. You've got multiple podcasts. What advice would you give to somebody like me who's just getting started?
[:If you're saying every Tuesday at 8 a. m. Eastern time is when the new episode is coming out. If you miss that, you're going to start to have attrition with your audience. So consistency, and that's why building kind of, a backlog of episodes is extremely beneficial. I think those are the critical things I always recommend.
[:[:[:[:[:A better question for you might be who can do this for me, right? Because some of you may i'm not techie or or I don't have time or whatever it is. That's fine. You don't have to learn this stuff, but at least be aware that this role exists That it's a person who comes in and understands your business and says, oh, you know what? We're gonna plug in AI there there there there and there give me, you know, x number of days weeks, whatever, and you'll have result because you don't have to be an early adopter to be successful with this.
However, the sooner you get started with at least understanding how it works in your business, how to use it in your business, the less behind you will be when you get ready to get started, because as you mentioned there's entire podcasts that are built around this week in AI.
There's so much happening. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So and let me tell you something, this AI thing, I think it's going to stick around. So the sooner you, sooner you get on deck I, the sooner you get to enjoy the benefits of it. So yeah, that'd be my closing remarks and you can find us at chief AI officer. com. We've got education and content and all kinds of stuff for you over there.
[:[:[:[:[:[:[:Huge thanks to Chris for taking the time to connect. If you've got a burning marketing question or relationship question, reach out. I'd love to answer it on the show as mentioned before. Let's connect on LinkedIn, connect with me, connect with Chris. Definitely looking forward to hearing from you. I hope you enjoyed today's show and I want you to go out there and get noticed.